Street Banners - What Size Do You Need?

There are two main sizes for street banners. The first is a long banner type that is normally hung over the top of a location or across a busy street. The second type is much smaller and can be displayed in banner frames on street poles.

When you have decided to use a street banner to promote your business or event, it is important to determine which size will work best for your needs. It is also essential to check with your local city officials to see if there are any restrictions and to obtain any necessary permission to use your banners.

Here are some helpful tips to assist you with your decision.

What kind of event are you holding? If you are holding an event that will appeal to the general public, such as a festival or an outdoor sale, a large banner will work very well. This type of banner can be hung at the entrance to a street or in front of a business and will attract a great deal of attention.

In the event that you are holding a sale that will take place indoors, or you are announcing a new product, the small street pole type banners are more suited to this purpose.

What kind of traffic do you need to attract? If you are hoping to attract drivers or street traffic, a large banner that can be easily read from the road is essential. Small banners are just harder to see and may escape the notice of someone driving by. When you use a large, colorful banner that is hanging over the road, or at the side of the road, more people will be able to see it.

If you are hoping to attract shoppers on foot, a street pole banner will work well. People walking on the sidewalk may not be able to see a banner that is hung over a store's location or they miss it on the entrance to the street. By utilizing smaller banners that are placed at or below eye-level, more people walking past will notice them.

What do you need to say with your banner? If your message requires a lot of space, then a large banner will obviously be more appropriate. This is particularly true if your banner contains more text than graphics.

Conversely, if your banners are designed with a large picture or more graphics than text, a smaller size street pole banner will highlight this picture with greater success.

The type of graphics you select will also determine the type of banner you use. For example, if you are using simple line-art graphics, they can easily be seen from a greater height or distance. Pictures that have a lot of detail can be hard to see up in the air, and the effect will be lost on the viewer.

This rule is a good one to follow if you are stuck on your size choice.