Making Your Sign Last

Once you have purchased your sign, there are specific things that you can do to make sure that you get the most out of your sign for many years to come. Our three different sign materials will all hold up to the elements quite well, but in certain cases, it is a good idea to take extra care of your sign. Here are some quick tips on keeping your sign looking its best.

Aluminum Signs

Our aluminum and Aluma Lite signs are not subject to tearing, like a vinyl sign, but high winds can affect any signage. If you have a permanently installed sign, it can be difficult to shelter it during high winds. In the event that your business is located in an area that receives frequent gusty winds, it is a good idea to place your sign where it will have the most shelter from the prevailing wind.

Keeping your sign clean is another important part of making it last. Outdoor signs are subject to dirt, smog and pollution on a daily basis. In addition, a dirty sign can leave a bad impression with potential customers. Frequently cleaning your sign will ensure that your sign remains spotless and will decrease the potential for any fading that may occur due to abrasive pollutants.

If your sign is located in an area that receives frequent vandalism, you may want to consider a temporary installation, or installation in a place that is more protected. Some people cannot resist defacing a brand new sign. If you are concerned about this, you can either ensure that your sign is removed during the night, or place it in a location that is easily visible to traffic, but hard to reach.

Vinyl Signs

Our vinyl signs are made of excellent material that is resistant to fading and tearing. However, even the best signs cannot withstand gale force winds. If your business is located in an area that receives frequent storms or high winds, it is a good idea to remove your vinyl sign during these conditions.

A typical vinyl sign will last you around five to seven years, or even longer with proper care. It is a good idea to clean your sign if it is located outside to reduce the effects of pollution and dirt. Some substances can be harmful to vinyl if left on and it is a good practice to keep an eye on your sign to spot any dirt. A quick rinse and your sign will be as good as new and protected from harm.

Vinyl signs are easier to move around and will give you more options if your business is located in an area that has a high rate of defacement. It may be a good idea to purchase a vinyl sign if you are worried about this, as it will allow you to remove the sign when you are not at your business location.