The Church Bake Sale

When a church is ready to hold a fundraising event, like a bake sale, it is very important to effectively advertise the event. While this may mean additional expense at first, it can be offset by more participation in the event. Here is an example of how a church can design and use a banner to promote their bake sale.

This church will be holding a bake sale two months from today. It is a good idea to start early on their banner design, so that any problems can be taken care of before the event is due. By starting early, the church will be assured that the process will go smoothly and that the banner will be ready in plenty of time.

The first consideration for this banner is the design. This is not necessarily a formal banner, but it should adhere to certain principles for it to function properly as a promotional tool. The banner should be easy to read, give important information and should be pleasing to the eye.

Since this is a simple banner, a full-color banner will not be required. The church has decided to go with a simple, two-color banner to cut costs. The background of the banner will be navy blue and the lettering will be in white.

Small graphics will be used and will reflect the items that will be available at the bake sale. They should be randomly placed throughout the banner, with careful attention not to overload one side or the other. The graphics are intended to support the text, not overwhelm it, and this should be kept in mind.

The main message of the banner is the event itself. The phrase "Church Bake Sale" will be displayed in large lettering in the center of the banner. Further information, such as the date of the sale and the times that it will be held can be placed either above or below this text in smaller lettering. Since the church wants to be able to use the banner again, they will avoid putting the date on the banner and instead will list the times that the sale will be open.

Now that the banner has been designed, it is ready to be ordered and in the meantime, the church will decide where they want to hang it. The banner should be displayed in a prominent location, at least two weeks before the event is to take place.

Since this banner is general in nature and does not list dates, flyers will be provided to the congregation with this information.

Once the banner arrives, it will be hung temporarily at the entrance of the church. On the day of the sale, this banner will be moved to where the bake sale is actually taking place. This time, it will be hung to create an entranceway into the area where the baked goods are being sold. By combining smart design techniques, and effective placement, the church is assured that their fundraiser will be a success.