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Music Gets the Job Done

Have you ever been listening to music and finding yourself being very productive? Well that’s because music can actually boost your productivity levels, being an environmental stimuli. Next time you go into a place of business, observe the music that is playing? Is it soft, soothing and wordless? Is it fast paced and lively? Businesses use this kind of stimuli to help boost their employees productivity levels and motivate them to keep going. It can really be a pleasant experience, if it’s the kind of music you like.

Speaking of your kind of music, try using these guidelines next time you have to sit down (or stand up) and focus on something.

1) Listen to your favorite music. This can unknowingly put you in a good  mood, inspiring you to get the job done and do it with excellence.

2) Listen to music without words. I find that this really helps when I am writing something of importance, especially if it has stringed instruments in it. These kinds of instruments tap into my emotional side, which help me be more creative in the writing process.

3) Try different speeds for different tasks. If you are working on a very elaborate sewing pattern, it’s probably best to listen to something more soft and slow. Doing some house cleaning? Try putting on some house or dance music to get the blood flowing and your hands moving fast.

Have a big project to tackle today? Need to show your boss how good you are at your job? Make your playlist, pop in those headphone, and destroy that to-do list!